Labels:clock | crt screen | earth | monitor | person | plant | road | rock | sky | tree | window OCR: NCSA Mosaic NCSA Mosaic Home Page A File Edit Options Navigate Annotate Starting Points Help htto://www rcsa uiuc. edu SDG /Software/Mosaic/NCSAMosaicHome html System Microsoft Macintosh W elcome to NCSA Mosaic at Internet information browser and World Wide Web client NCSA Mosaic was devel loped at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University Illinois Urbana Champaign NCSA Mosaic software 15 copyrighted by The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (UI), and ownership remains with the UI. Each highlighted phrase (in color or underlined) hyperlink to another document or information resource somewhere on the Internet. Single click on any highlighted phrase to follow the link. NCSA Mosaic Flavors http esoU NCSAMosaicH lome Xwindow Windows developed Applic cat ...